Solution Accelerators

Build- up and optimize your IT advancement and executions with Blackrock Solution Accelerators .

Most IT Projects and implementations require prototyping and building baseline capabilities due to the dispersed and elaborate nature of technology running within these systems. A high quality Blackrock Foundation Kit can help in ascertaining that all use cases are covered, traced and any errors immediately unraveled and sorted out. Blackrock created a repeated utility package called JS Foundation Kit.(JFK)

Our Blackrock COE has developed Solution Accelerators which helps to expedite design and development of Client IT needs.

Benefits of Solution Accelerators

  1. Deploy our Custom Software faster without compromising quality
  2. Since the product has been tested in live environments, our solution accelerators are often better and more reliable than components built from scratch.
  3. Custom software development comes with high risk level. Using a solution accelerator allows you to build using trusted components, which helps to ensure reliability, scalability and responsiveness of applications.
  4. By addressing common business challenges solution accelerators help you get to market faster without trading efficiency.


List of Domain Specific Accelerators

  • Automotive
  • Higher Education
  • Healthcare
  • For Venture Start-up


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