Social Media and Mobility


We  analyze companies business strategy as related to social, mobile, analytics , and cloud. Then we develop digital strategy guides and invent plausible explanations to reason mission critical projects .

In this competitive business ecosystem it is always important to know your weaknesses and convert them into strengths. With all the digital channels out there it is becoming increasingly difficult to follow the progress of it all. We have developed an easy to interpret SMAC assessment that illustrates how well companies are meeting  the next wave of IT transformation . The SMAC Assessment helps companies identify the direction and traverse the ideal steps to evolve their digital state of affairs and indicate loopholes where marketing investments can be made more cost-effective in contrast with marketing objectives.


Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and the Cloud – these just are some of the key technology areas that lie  in the middle of the digital transformation taking place alongside Blackrock’s  progress as a Smart Organization. Customized information can soon be routed to users on their TVs and mobile devices; real-time traffic information can be directed to users before they say goodbye and walk out. and automatic sensors can help keep an eye on the elderly at home.  “The digital transformation and IoT are shaping innovations as built-in intelligence and connectivity have become the benchmark.

SMAC adds a new and modern aspect to your business model. In this new generation, this technology has become an inbred  part of our life. The outstanding and global accessibility of information and its compatibility with contrasting devices became an affordable option with cloud technology.

Social media
Social media strategy becomes imperative for all types of web designing and web development companies.

Mobile devices are emerging so well that the people can access instantly digital content. Smartphone’s and tablets have brought the rich digital contents to the fingertips of the consumers.

Millions of data collected by the companies or the individuals have been scrutinized  and analyzed and used in the nick of time, can also come forth  as an unbeatable competitive advantage.

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing focuses so much on internet service. It furnishes an elaborate platform for sharing and saving all the details from around the world.