Mobile Excellence

Consumers are turning to their mobile devices for practically everything and shopping is no exception. Mobile devices now identify with one-third of all ecommerce transactions worldwide. Executing mobile application for the enterprise is no cakewalk. Making key decisions around which platforms to target and how your team will deal with codebases is a challenge for any IT Leader. We help businesses plan, design, and drive forward and build outstanding mobile applications in the competitive business world. We are specialized to serve various industries because of our diverse background. Being in the business for more than a decade, we clearly understand the impact of mobile to each business. Blackrock offers uncompromised image performance and easy-to-use features to let you deliver excellence on the move.

Standing on the threshold of ecommerce world, it is significantly important to note that companies are increasingly supported by mobile for the critical contribution it makes to staff productivity, business growth and customer relations. This is the positive counterpart. But there is a problem here. It is not an arbitrary choice that with this need for increased productivity across all low, middle and high levels and multiple sections, organizations risk their strategy and policy utterly by fragmenting. And if that is the question, we must ask, does a fragmented policy quickly become disorderly and brings with it downbeat repercussions for the organization and its core structure? It is a deadly drive.

We have virtually nothing to say but, devices can be stolen while sensitive data can  fall at risk. Another confirmation is that malicious attacks or unauthorized access to files or apps can also upset the network. These are the unwarranted dangers or pitfalls we have to be aware of. We have to avoid fragmented mobile projects and rogue apps.  With these possibilities in mind the motive at stake with drawbacks versus the operational benefits of enterprise mobility to be manifested fully, enterprise must have a Mobile Center of Excellence (MCOE).

To be sure, MCOE is a dedicated department or resource within an organization intended to set up and direct its mobile strategy across all sectors of the enterprise. This is what MCOE is calling us to- a radically overreaching goal to harmonize together under a single, unified approach the various projects within many enterprises and allow them to function independently of each other.

It is not surprising that with an impressive MCOE in place, the business will benefit from mobile and with more intensity it will even mitigate risk and drive the business’ strategic success. This describes the way it has to be done. We will evaluate your company’s prevailing MCOE and provide an optimization-roadmap to ensure your center is running efficiently and in-alignment with current best-practices. Our approach ensures MCOE success by first gauging the sophistication of supporting processes and prioritizing initiatives accordingly. We know how to deal with your MCOE concerns optimally.