Microsoft TFS

Microsoft has now mingled the results of their experience and surveying in software creation and methodologies to bring about a set of new technologies and techniques that are equipped toward optimizing the process of developing software in teams. The offshoots of this effort is Microsoft Team Foundation Server.

There are two sides of the coin to Team Foundation Server. On one hand, it is a collection of features that are shared  in common by the various members of a project team to enable them to work together more effectively. Team members can share project plans, work products, and progress assessments simply and spontaneously.

On the other hand, Team Foundation Server can address a platform  focused and architected for merger and resilience. Customers and partners can customize components of Team Foundation Server and complement it with new range of capabilities. Supplements can attribute from the very simple to the very complex. They can range in scope from renaming a field in a work item, to integrating an entirely new tool.

We have Microsoft TFS here for your QA and Test Management needs. When working with us your testing team will enjoy a number of important benefits. Let’s talk a little bit about it. Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server software is available in two forms. There is an on premise Team Foundation Server and the online Team Foundation Server which is called Visual Studio Online.

Manage your repositories, build processes, testing infrastructure, and lab deployment while easily collaborating and reporting status. Team Foundation Server supports your team so you can connect, collaborate, and deliver on time. Created to get more out of development teams, Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2013 is the application lifecycle management hub for Visual Studio. It enables all stakeholders to participate in the development process using a single solution. Use it to manage heterogeneous projects and teams as well. Create your software faster with Team Foundation Server 2013.

We provide TFS services to our clients to address all aspects of their Software Quality needs. Please contact us for further details.