Everything is Continuous

At Blackrock we have the expertise to help you to

  • Apply DevOps in your team
  • Understand Continuous Delivery
  • Automate the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Automate the deployment process
  • Reduce release time
  • Continuously release better software
  • Build a highly available and fully scalable application

For businesses operating in rapidly evolving intricate environments, for organizations that are facing the provocation of Digitalization, adopting DevOps is no longer a choice; it is rapidly becoming crucial for survival.

So is DevOps really the answer to everything?

Perhaps, in some ways, it is. Because it is a philosophy rather than a highly specific set of rules. Because it is circulating basic ideas. And because the obvious benefits are significant whether you are looking to lower costs and improve organizational performance or fighting for survival in a complex Digital world.7 key aspects of DevOps by Marc Hornbeek and how it will lead to a successful enterprise DevOps practice.

  1. Dev-ops Culture accomplished by collaboration between Dev, Ops and QA teams need to fall in line with same goals and create synergistic process flow.
  2. Immutable architecture and standards not susceptible to change are basic for DevOps design
  3. There must be continuous Integration which means it must have small scale impact to production.
  4. Dev ops must cover all grapevines and pipelines to avoid bottlenecks which involves, round the clock testing
  5. There must be consecutive and perpetual observation and monitoring which ensures full coverage of all pipelines to avoid bottlenecks.
  6. Continuous Delivery because Its a non-stop practice to support an evolving business.
  7. Adaptable Infrastructure means Virtualized environment/Cloud
  8. Continuous Integration

When developers frequently and systematically merge their code changes into a central archive it becomes Continuous integration. The purpose of continuous integration are to discover and target bugs faster, touch on  software quality, and reduce the time it takes to ratify and release new software modifications.

Continuous Delivery

When code changes are automatically built, tested, and equipped and channelized to production it becomes Continous Delivery. Enforce continuous delivery in the right way, and developers will always have a deployment-ready build artifact that has progressed through and brought into compliance with a standard test process.

As every company becomes a software company, the ability to execute a DevOps model allows them to deliver better applications, quickly. And hundreds of software professionals are using our  DevOps Suite to achieve this