DevOps (on-Demand Automation)

DevOps is a doctrine where Dev and Ops teams correlate and join forces more closely than in conventional, siloed IT organizations. Organizational silos typically do not share the same priorities, objectives or even the same tools, so departments operate as individual business units within the enterprise But here in DevOps the end goal is to deploy software updates to production as frequently as possible to increase efficiency.

Prior to DevOps, the development team and the operations team were set apart in complete isolation. Both were unaware of the current status of the project from each other’s perspective. This led to some obvious and blatant problems that interfered with the progress of IT firms significantly. Some of these problems were;

  1. Lack of collaboration and synchronization
  2. Loss of productivity in output and services
  3. Escalating costs and overheads
  4. Risky deployments
  5. Difficulties in tracking variations

The answer to all these is simple, though  pretty obvious now, were not very visible back then. It was of primary importance to introduce a systematic intervention that would meliorate all the issues, while at the same time would be smooth to implement and carry on.

Introducing DevOps The Ultimate objective!

The introduction of DevOps in the IT industry was a novel shift towards finer software development and delivery practice. It had the sought after  positive effects while keeping at bay the potential negatives.

  • A token of  mutual trust started flourishing between the groups. People started working together and teams started building rapport.
  • Team silos broke down
  • The process became streamlined and automated, so process efficiency and delays became measurable and remedies foreseen.

Constant observation of product quality became effortless and time-saving

  • Development, Testing, and Operations can work hand-in-hand when communication barriers disappear.
  • Faster time to market because of quick deployments and easy communication.
  •  More focus on improving the business. Teams can solely concentrate on improving core business.
  • Following the unbelievably great success of DevOps,  a plan of automation to achieve DevOps in reality was proposed.

DevOps as a modern-day practice that perfects collaboration between development and operations teams. It helps reach a very high level of productivity by automating workflows. Using integration technology, anyone can simply bring the tools together from different spheres and break down the silos. And when all is hunky-dory, we settle for a comprehensive solution.